

Plan against Indian

ChessOpeningStrategyAnalysisOver the board
Have you seen players who play the Indian Defence automatically? It can be over


Before Indian Defense

When I was a beginner,
I knew the Scotch Game for white and Two Knights Defence for black.
That was enough.
However, my opponents became stronger and then I saw the Indian Defense.

Understanding the problem

Without a clear understanding of the closed position,
I almost couldn't win, while my opponents just realized their plan.
Even worse, every strong player has his own strategy for white,
so I could not find a solution.

Searching Ideas

Year ago I started developing a clear strategy for white.
I needed something unusual. Something that may surprise my opponent.
I thought: can I castle queenside? Why not?
I played decades of anonymous Lichess games searching for the best system.

My system

Which already was known before

The main idea is control of e4 and g4 squares by f3 pawn.
Strong center allows the castle queenside and attack.
Here is a study:

Breaking the standard

In traditional Indian game black attacking at the kingside, while white attacking queenside.
Thousands of classical games played like that.
We are breaking the standard.

How good is it?


I said that I played hundreds of games, and yes,
I trapped many opponents and won with beautiful attacks.


The real advantage is not traps. The advantage is a clear plan for white.
That's great for Blitz and Bullet games.


Did you know that this attack was played by Garry Kasparov?
He won some beautiful games in this way,
but after years the system still isn't popular.


Whether black know the theory,
they will probably make a draw in a classical game.
Is it worth it to play system in Classical or only in Bullet and Blitz,
what do you think?