CM Maestrocoach Lichess coach picture

CM Amithpal Singh

Iam Amithpal Singh, Candidate Master and Fide Instructor & has 1 IM norm. My peak rating was 2274. have trained 200+ students. Director of Maestro Chess Academy.

LocationHyderabad India
LanguagesEnglish (US), हिन्दी, हिंदी
RatingFIDE: 2144227823452372
Hourly ratePM me if interested for Charges
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Iam Amithpal Singh from India, Candidate Master and Fide Instructor & has 1 IM norm. My peak rating was 2274. have trained 200+ students . Director of Maestro Chess Academy. Have been playing chess from last 30+ years , Iam into Chess Coaching from last 20+ years.

Playing experience

30+ years of playing experience.

Teaching experience

20+ years.