
Do people take correspondence games serious?

So i recently got into correspondence games on lichess.
Finished 3 games so far and won all of them.
Normally i play unranked classic games with a time control between 10 and 20 minutes and if i lose i feel it's mostly because of bad decisions due to time pressure.

I think correspondence is a great way to play chess, since you have enough time to think about the best possible moves, so theoretically the more intelligent player should win and not the one who has more experiance and memorised many moves.

When i play correspondence, after the openings i start analysing every move using the tools provided by lichess.
It often takes me more than an hour to make a move

However, i have a feeling that my enemies don't take it as serious as i do, because it just looks like they don't really do better moves than they do in the 10 minute classic games i normally play and i think it's a pity. i would rather play against players who think about their moves as deep as i do.

Did you have made the same experiance in correspondence games?

and btw. feel free to challenge me if you are rated 1800-2200
It's hard to set expectations on how people should enjoy chess :) Though, there is an easy solution for you to keep interest high: play with higher ranked players.
Sure, but why would you play a mode where you have days per turn if you don't even want to use a few minutes to make a turn?

I mean you can always play blitz or classic if you enjoy chess like this.
The reason that I play corespondens is that I and my opponent isn't online at the same time all the time. Or when you are in a game and something disturbing you.
I don't play correspondence chess because I wouldn't resist the temptation of using an eninge. :-)
I think the correspondence ratings are much higher than classical ratings. If you spend more time playing you'll eventually get to play against higher rated opponents.
Hello, I agree with that, I like thinking to my move long enough at least to avoid the most obvious mistakes and try to play the best move after considering several possible lines, and have a game where time does not have a big role. But I see that many opponents take a few seconds to play, others time out or close their account before the game is over, or resign very early without reason.

For some reason, it happens also that opponents with strong ratings in blitz and classical have a lower rating in correspondence, but that may be simply because they lose being out of time or play too fast and make a few mistakes that they could avoid.
Only weak players play correspondence and that is the truth... and ratings are inflated...
but :
When i play correspondence, after the openings i start analysing every move using the tools provided by lichess.

are you oppenly saying that you are cheating? You do realise that is cheating, right?
> Only weak players play correspondence and that is the truth

Um, no, it's really not.
> You do realise that is cheating, right?

Analyzing every move is cheating? What? (he didn't say he's using an engine or any illegal tools--he said he's analyzing using tools provided by lichess - ie analysis board, opening database - perfectly legal).

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