
Android App Login button not responding

For a few days my android app login button doesn't respond. Also application puzzle boards are not loaded. I've updated the app, deleted and re-installed but problem continues.

The only solution is clearing app cache but it works just once.
@godzilla87 It happened to me,too.Yesterday i log in my lichess account on my friend's phone and now i can't log out.
Same for me on my android phone and also the same problem occurred on my iPad.
Working fine for me. You must be using different devices, but you've forgot to mention which! Doh!
Same problem couple of days. Not only Login button but also profile, friends and active games button above. Couple of days can not use app. It is related to Webview, maybe. Cleaning cache and uninstalling don't work. I tried with both Samsung S7 and S10e, result is same.
Same problem. I use the LiChess app on an android phone, and an iPad, so for me, this issue is not specific to any OS.
I keep having to log in once per day. I’ve rarely had to log in manually before, as the app would always log me in automatically.

I also am having problems getting the LiChess menu to show the submenu where you can click on Profile or Games. There’s a downward pointing triangle next to my username at the top of the menu, which should open up this submenu when clicked, but the downward triangle is not responding to touches.

This started two days ago.
Yeah, Android app being a little buggy. Can't hold a solid connection.
Mine's stopped working again too. It seemed to be fine after not working earlier in the week, but it's broken again now. Logs out and log in button doesn't work
Same goes for me. I am using a Samsung Galasy S8 and I am experiencing the exact issues described above in the app for the past few days now.
When I log in on my laptop, it works fine, but unfortunately the app does not work anymore.

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