
Suggestion: rematch aborted -> penalty

I searched the forums before posting this and I saw an archived post, but it had no solution agreed upon.

So, I played a game:
The guy asked for a rematch. I accepted. Then this happened: game aborted by server... the other guy let time run out before making the first move.

In tournaments, aborted game = lost game. Can't we have this for all games? At least for rematches or for the guys that ask for the rematch?

P.S.: This is not the first time this happens, it just annoys me more and more as it happens again and again.
@WPhOZA9kB97Y7vNrpCkP I'm honestly not asking for a ban (temporary or otherwise). Just treat the abortion as a loss.

I guess you have an anti-fan in that guy :D
#1 Thanks for the suggestion. This would increase ratings abuse (not even FIDE rates unplayed games).

For frequently aborting games, Lichess issues playbans of increasing duration.
@Toadofsky what if "frequently"? Why not issue the temporary ban immediately (at least for the silly situation where someone asks for a rematch and aborts it when you accept)?

What is rating abuse (and how can you abuse ratings by losing them)? And let's be serious, the Lichess rating has little to do with someone's FIDE rating.
Honestly, I agree with you that a temporary playban on first offense is reasonable. But that's my own perspective.

I am not a moderator so I don't know the exact details, however state:

2. Artificially boosting your own or another user's rating is considered cheating, and users involved will be banned at the administrators' discretion.
3. Sandbagging your rating to pretend to be at an ability below your actual rating is considered cheating and users involved will be banned at the administrators' discretion.

Logically, rating unplayed games could affect rules 2 or 3. Neither USCF nor FIDE rate unplayed games, and I doubt any other chess organization does. Lichess is the only online server to rate unplayed tournament games (which personally I think is weird but whatever).
"Honestly, I agree with you that a temporary playban on first offense is reasonable. But that's my own perspective."
Thanks :) I find this a very acceptable solution.

About the terms of service, I've read them, can't say I agree with all of it, but it's not my site and it's free, so if I don't like it I can always go somewhere else. I believe this site would rather punish 100 people suspicious of cheating out of which 10 are cheaters than ban 5 of the 10 cheaters that are 100% certain about. In this respect, I agree with you that they should unify the way an abortion is treated, and maybe not count it as a loss if that's what chess federations do.

Thanks for the reply... I like chess for fun and don't really take it seriously. But if I take time out of my lunch break to play a few quick games of 1-2 slower ones, I hate to have to lose time because people don't respect my time and don't think before acting (like rematch to abort on time or leave instead of clicking resign).
If you ask for a rematch but abort after your opponent accepts, it's probably because the rematch request itself was a misclick. An immediate playban seems a bit harsh for that.

A related but obviously intentional offense is the anti-rematch: both players clicked New Opponent but got paired against each other again anyway. One player aborts the game, both click New Opponent again, they get paired against each other again...after the second abort at the latest, the player who keeps aborting should get playbanned just so their victim can get an opponent who's willing to play!
@Vempele if you misclick on rematch, try not to misclick on the abort... Asking for rematch, rematch accepted, sit there for 30 seconds until the server aborts? Why? That's what is happening to me, I thought I was clear in the initial post :)
I was going by your wording in #5 ("...asks for a rematch and aborts").

I think I've once had an opponent accept a rematch after I've already joined a tournament and gotten paired. I could see an automatic abort happening in this situation through no fault of the player.

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