
A question related to morality 2.0

A person kicks an innocent person off a cliff, into a volcano to kill them, but then a drone saves them, which the attempted-murderer didn’t think would happen, and they were 100% sure that the person was going to die.


You have 2 options:

1) You sent the person to jail on the Grounds of attempted murder; They tried to kill someone, but failed, so they only tried.

2) You sent the person to jail on the grounds of murder; They only tried to kill someone, but they didn’t know that the victim was going to survive, and were 100% sure they would die, so they killed someone.

Which option do you think is the better one, and why?
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Plot twist: the murderer fell off the cliff.

Else my option is option 2 so that the murderer never tries murder again.
Honestly, if the person is so inept that they failed to kill someone with a pit of lava and what I assume would be a fairly significant elevation drop (not to mention the fact that the innocent person is either completely paralyzed or a moron for going to a volcano-cliff with a homicidal maniac, and thus probably easier to kill than the average Joe) , I don't think that we have to worry about Mr. Wannabe Murderer being particularly dangerous. I say let him go, and save the taxpayers money.
3) I drop this stupid Philosophy class and take a couple units of Tennis instead.
One because it's exactly what it was: an attempted murder. Whether you want to penalize attempted murder less than actual murder is another discussion.
what a nerve that drone had , getting chucked into a volcano is a quick death , plus you get to see an amazing view beforehand
but noooooooooooooooooooooooo
its gotta be 5 years of pain as a cancer takes hold
honestly this progress is so bad
so my decision is 3
smash up technology , and dont live a life of pain , put the drone in a crusher
next case
@sabutuma said in #8:
> what a nerve that drone had , getting chucked into a volcano is a quick death , plus you get to see an amazing view beforehand
> but noooooooooooooooooooooooo
> its gotta be 5 years of pain as a cancer takes hold
> honestly this progress is so bad
> so my decision is 3
> smash up technology , and dont live a life of pain , put the drone in a crusher
> next case
What? You cill cancer in lava and then you cuiside yourself?
dont take me seriously ayuballena , at worst im just taking the mick , but the post does answer the op albeit coming from a diiferent perspective ,
lets say for example that was two friends fulfilling a lifetime vow never to let the other suffer a life of pain
i am extremely luddite mind you

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