
In defense of a downvoted post (or: God Dammit, give Belushi the respect he deserves!)

There was a time when lichess forums were a happy place, filled with happy people saying happy things, completely and blissfully ignorant to how others perceived their happy comments. Verily, 'twas most fetch.

Then came the dark days, when the reaction system came to be.

The reactions, they said, were meant to let people show how they connected with various posts-- but from this noble goal emerged the insidious practice of excessive use of the downvote. This vile practice has forced me to realize a most unfortunate reality: other people have stupid, wrong opinions that differ from my own.

This recently became most apparent when I responded to a thread about quotes with a John Belushi quote. Seeing as how the topic was about favorite quotes, and seeing as how the aforementioned Belushi quote is a personal favorite, one would assume that most people would be convinced that the John Belushi quote is one of my favorite quotes.

Alas, this was not the case. It was met with more than two downvotes! Egads! Who in the hell downvotes a John Belushi quote? If you're one of those people, then my advice to you is to start drinking heavily. The man was a comedy legend. He was the funniest original cast member of SNL. Anthrax wrote a song about how funny he was. To sum up: if you disagreed with the assertion that I found John Belushi to be funny, you are wrong, and should have your downvoting priveliges revoked.

As a show of solidarity with the unfairly downvoted post, I would appreciate it if you gave this post a downvote. For if even John Belushi quotes are to be condemned to downvoted, rather than met with the upvotes that the critics gave him or the complete and total lack of reaction that we all gave his brother, than is anything really worthy of being deemed too good for a downvote?
Different people have different tastes. It is of no use to object if a person doesn't like your post.
Ignore serial downposters.
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