
Arrogant player pnwed bad

Hi there forum,

this happened a few days ago.

I (1200+) was playing as black and my opponent - who is a 1500+ player kept taunting me during the game:

AdityaTodmal: Resign man
AdityaTodmal: game is over
AdityaTodmal: Have some integrity please [he probably meant to say: "dignity"]
AdityaTodmal: lol you're just wasting your time

And guess what: not only did I beat him, I am now also the lowest ranking player ever defeating him in a blitz game.

Do you have experienced stuff like that yourself? Happy to hear your stories!

link to the game

I attached a screenshot for the chat:
Congratulations for the nice comeback. But I don't think he was being that rude. When you get to higher levels not resigning IS considered bad etiquette. But it feels really good to come back.
How come it's bad etiquette to not resign in a blitz game? Under time pressure your opponent might blunder so why shouldn't you push till the end? Also, flagging your opponent in blitz is considered a legitimate way to win a game. Even Hikaru himself rarely resigns in a lost position if there is a possibility to flag.
It's not bad etiquette if you're not totally lost. If there is a chance to come back in blitz, I say play on
This etiquette rule does not exist.
There are people who want to win easily, simply waiting for the opponent to resign.
Probably most common - very satisfying to beat jerks who like to add time when they think they have wining position using exactly this time.
Karma is a b*tch when you are. Good comeback, he deserved it.
Are you using the light background?
Very unepic I must say.
I see no reason to defend the 1500. That was an immature display of poor sportsmanship. There should be no disrespect in this site. I once had an opponent calling me a loser for... trading pieces..? and not playing positional chess..? He even stated that I was wasting his time. I'm just trying to play chess, man. Challenge Carlsen or something if you're so bored of 1200s :c
Anyway, props to you, CBChrysippos! Not just for winning, but for trying as well. I respect determination :]

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