
what is your number of games played ?

I would guess that, since childhood, I am approaching a million games. This is not my first chess server, and I played long before the internet existed.

But even after all those games, I have yet to have to checkmate somebody with only a knight and a bishop against a lone king. Food for thought. Or at least a light snack.
On "that other chess site" I played 20,000 games in 2 years........and I'm still not that much better! LOL
I'm assuming you mean how many games have you played that can be verified on Lichess. If you want to know just look at my profile. However I'm certainly no german11, that player truly is obsessed with chess. It's mind boggling when you do the math. And they don't seem to have improved at all and if you are reading this , you have probably played them and beaten them.
@EN-J0Y Truly impressive numbers in almost every possible category except puzzles. Being the top 100 in anything is an accomplishment.
here on lichess, it's roughly 3,000, in total I think I am nearing 10,000 or maybe 15k, but I mean I'm not even going to be able to drive for the next 3-4 years, at least when it comes to age.
@Noflaps I've been playing chess 50 years now and in order for me to have played 1 million games, I'd have to play 55 games a day, everyday since I learned. Now, I had a micro processor since the 1980's that I played countless games on. Then in the 1990's I had the Chessmaster 5000 and Yahoo Chess. Not to mention all the games in the park or a coffee shop. etc. So it's well within the realm of possibilities depending on the time controls. However, most of my otb games were 5 minutes because it wasn't until recently I'd even played bullet or Chess 960 because of things like accurate clocks and instant shuffling and precise judging and fairness due to sites like Lichess. Then there are players like german11 that has played about 465000 games in the last 9 years of mostly bullet games of which there was about 370000. That means they would have to play about 140 games a day consistently. So even if that was a maximum of 2 minutes per game, considering waiting for new opponents and bathroom break occasionally, they are playing 5 hours a day, at least.
@Sacmaniac do you remember playing against "Sargon" -- the chess engine that ran on a Commodore 64 or 128? I'd love to play that old program now. But the monitor for my Commodores gave up the ghost long ago. Fortunately, you and I have not. We must play until we are 100 years old and reach a million games. And then ... play some more.

Oh, thank goodness I married a good woman with a sense of humor and some tolerance.

You do persuade me of one thing, however: it will be much easier to reach a million games if we play a lot of bullet.

But if we play a lot of bullet, we are unlikely to reach 100 years old. Bullet doesn't seem like it's good for the ol' ticker.
@Noflaps Never played Sargon, I had The Novag Super Constellation that I used for about 10 years and I missed the whole Commadore 64 craze. Also I have never married, no kids and no worries. My ex girlfriend would yell in my right ear to stop playing so much chess. It got to the point that I developed about 700% more earwax in that ear to filter out her shrill face sounds. She wanted me doing all the needless tasks that some women demand. Although we never officially married, I'd call her a chess widow for those years together. Now that I'm alone, I can play unapologetically whenever I want. And with the Bearhug of the last year or more, it's actually encouraged to stay at home and play video games of choice, chess being my preferred poison. That said, I'll likely never reach a million games in this life because I prefer the 10 minute rapid format over the faster controls. And since the advent of Puzzle Storm and Streak I actually prefer spending my time doing that because it is the best part of chess, finding tactics! And I'm walking a minimum of 2 hours a day, often 3 or 4 so that is almost a full time job. Also trying to get away from sitting and mostly stand whenever possible. All this cuts into my actual time I can devote to chess playing or study.

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