
stockfish 10 doesnt even realize this move is winning?

For me, it suggests Qx until depth 26, where it switches to Rxd2. If you don't have infinite analysis turned on or you don't press the little + button next to the depth Stockfish might not see it.
ok i let it run for sometime then it concluded with the move. Am used to stockfish seeing top moves in 5 seconds
For me it showed Rxd2 after 2-3 seconds (at depth 18).

Different hardware, I guess.
It showed Qxe3 at depth 25 for me.
That's really strange, I thought search depth from a position was universal i.e. depth 25 covers the exact same positions (number and type), but apparently not. I thought that depth X meant the same across different hardware provided the same engine was used, the only difference being the time it takes to reach a certain depth. Can anyone clarify this?

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