
Why I quit

Hello I was very happy to play chess online but I Will quit.
There are to reasonably.
1) game is poorly bugged on android.
2) community is littered with unmannered peoplrpeople.
Thanks for your feedback, RQA.

If you would have had the same first experiences that I had, you would definitely feel much different about Lichess.

My first experiences were:

Community Related:
-Someone adding time to my clock at the end of a very tense rated game, just to play the position through. Phenomenal sportsmanship.

-An instance where I obviously mouse-slipped and my move was allowed back. Again, phenomenal sportsmanship and great chess-spirit. Again, a good, positive, gracious, social, energy.

-Good energy from my opponents wishing me 'good luck' and 'have fun'.

-Good energy in the first several threads that I read.

Functionality Related:

-A completely superior chess platform, for free, compared to one that I was paying money for out of misplaced loyalty.

-Much better layout with attention to particular bottom lines that help make Lichess the most comfortable to use and manage.


ReallyQuiteAverage, according to the posts with multiple people complaining about having had been chat-banned, it seems like Lichess is actively focusing their attention on improving the atmosphere.

Make sure you come back soon and give Lichess another try.
My personal experience:

People cheating using computer assistence.
People, when you make an obvious mistake by mouse slip saying "Sorry, but I want just to win".
On android, my opponent time went to zero, then it gave the game lost to me, because MY time went to zero. I had no latency, no lag, simply an error by the system.

I am sorry, in the few games I plaied I saw a very low level of sportsmanship, a poor android application.

Yes, it's free, but it doesn't mean it has to be poor just because it's free.
I will look for a better platform and if I have to pay for that I gladly will.

People at your level are not using computer assistance, you are just bad at chess.
Nobody has an obligation to accept a takeback, and if you feel like they do, then there's a problem with you and not them.
You losing on time means you had a connection issue, and it was on your end.
You should not care about cheaters
Instead you should care about what you want to do. Playing because it is fun or you want to play professionally are both good reasons to maybe try playing online.
You probably lost that game because your opponent had a little over 0 seconds but since you play on phone, it only showed 0
I am sorry that there are people that do not understand that this platform has indeed bugs and errors and since it's free it's polluted with toxic people.
Too bad.
People who do not face errors and do not admit them cannot overcome them.


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