
Star Trek, foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

@Alientcp said in #9:
> I love Star Trek, but they kinds dropped the ball with the last one, though some actors still deserve an applause for their performances regardless of the quality of the show.
> To be hones I want the next movie in the Kelvin timeline, and I want s4 of the Orville.
> Though The cast of TNG received some awards this week.
Which one are you talking about. Picard, disco or strange new?

Strange new worlds is amazing imo. Picard improved a lot, discovery has been good sometimes but it's my least fav
@twighead said in #10:
> Lmao he was going to play that 50s hologram that gives them all advice huh
> That always cracked me up that they almost never could come up with human culture from beyond the 20th century, they just recreate old human stuff. Granted it's a difficult concept, but I like their attempt with the tellarians (sp?) In TNG ... that ep where they would squeal hahaha.
Vic Fontaine hahaha
That sounds interesting - I like Yeoh. I'm still most excited for strange new worlds season 3 tho
Dan Madsen, the founder of the (Official)- Star Trek fan club, was my next door neighbor when he started the club. I was friends with his older brother. I remember him showing me his plans he had, before for starting it. He was an avid sci-fi fan and quite the visionary. Danny was a good dude! I liked him. - :]
Classic Star Trek.
Arnock, on the night of his joining.
Life in the cave of Garanoga.
Sokath, his eyes opened.
Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.

Shaka, when the walls fell.
The beast at Tanagra.
@salmon_rushdie said in #6:
> I love trek, but I think cage would be a bad choice - maybe I'm wrong but I feel like he has a hard time playing chars that aren't essentially himself.
Per your definition, he would make an awesome Klingon
@twighead said in #11:
> Which one are you talking about. Picard, disco or strange new?

Right, I forgot about those other 2, even though i did see them.

I meant discovery.

> Strange new worlds is amazing imo. Picard improved a lot, discovery has been good sometimes but it's my least fav.
The only thing I feel weird about new worlds is the musical episode lol.
Its weird, its nicely done it. If feels like it doesnt belong there, but it also kinda does as weird stuff happen all the time, why not an anomaly with music right?

Picard yeah, improved a lot. Few things i didnt liked, but overall, good show.

Discovery on the other hand, man, ST is not a drama show.
Kinda got tired of the super extra emergency you have to attend now, just so sort of figure it out, just to find some other catastrophe that also get solved every single episode. And Michael crying every single time that happens.

Sure, let it happen here and there, but all episodes? Come on. Its unbearable.
But have to say, loved Saru's development, liked the Capt. Lorca character and I loved how Michelle Yeoh was overacting so hard that her character became like Rita Repulsa, so bad, yet a delight to see. That, i give it to them. Applause.

But the rest, un friking bearable. Stopped watching somewhere around season 3 or 4. Hope all but the mentioned died, so they cant reprise the roles in the future, they should be banned from the franchise, along with the writers and the producers that allowed such crap to air.

And still dont know why the doctor always had a constipation face all the time.
@salmon_rushdie said in #6:
> I love trek, but I think cage would be a bad choice - maybe I'm wrong but I feel like he has a hard time playing chars that aren't essentially himself.
> I wonder if we'll ever see that rumored tarentino trek film lmao.

Yepp, in "Face Off" "I'm Caster Troy"
In "knowing" "I'm Caster Troy"
And in a possible casting in "StarTrek" "I'm Still Caster Troy". lol :).

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