

<Comment deleted by user>
These lags are seriously irritating! I was 1700+ in ultrabullet but because of the lags, my rating has now become less than 1670
Lag has always been and always will be an issue with fast chess online....

But lichess's so-called "lag compensation" is a terrible half-arsed non-solution and needs to be done right, with client side think time recording. It's not like that's a new idea.... fics and icc were doing it the right way *decades* ago. It's an embarrassment here.
@mrjbones said in #6:
> Lag has always been and always will be an issue with fast chess online....
> But lichess's so-called "lag compensation" is a terrible half-arsed non-solution and needs to be done right, with client side think time recording. It's not like that's a new idea.... fics and icc were doing it the right way *decades* ago. It's an embarrassment here.

then why dont you do that and also great idea allowing counting on client side then players can choose how long they think for since it is done client side

You can only complain if you can provide us with the code for that solution else
else you are complaining instead of fixing stuff
lichess wont get it unless someone codes it and no amount of complaints can change that
@MrPushwood said in #8:
> In order to get stuff fixed, one must first complain. Right?
yes but lichess is aware of the matter but now we need to fix it and unless someone does the code
lichess is not going to get the update because the admins are busy with other stuff
but if you guys care so much create and issue on the github
@for_cryingout_loud said in #7:

> You can only complain if you can provide us with the code for that solution else
> else you are complaining instead of fixing stuff

I may have the skills, but when it comes to lichess, I'm not and do not wish to be a developer; I'm a user.

Users of pretty much every software project in existence absolutely can - and do - complain. Constantly. And they don't ever provide code. Now, as a developer, I totally understand how annoying that can be. But then, without users, most projects aren't worth working on at all. And without users complaining about bugs and missing features, developers wouldn't have much to do at all.

So, yeah... I'm complaining and I'm not providing code. My role here is to be the squeaky wheel. I'm going to keep trying to bring attention to this glaring issue which can and should be fixed.

So your complaint about my complaint is ridiculous ... but if you have more, let me direct you to the mrjbones Feedback forum...

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