
a minecraft story

@SAJAG_GUPTA-8 said in #29:
> but somehow he survives and he uses the speedrunners method to make a portal and went to find ancient debris, blaze rods and ender pearls so he can defeat the ender dragon
> (Fun fact: Ender dragon is a female dragon coz it lays eggs)
the ender portal had a chance to have all ender eyes and it did!
@Danialyazdani said in #31:
> the ender portal had a chance to have all ender eyes and it did!
But an enderman had tooken the Block "Portal frame", which is super rare but possible!
@DERG_CHESS said in #32:
> But an enderman had tooken the Block "Portal frame", which is super rare but possible!
thats 1 in a trillion
any way he kills the ender man and somehow the ender man drops the frame and he tries to reattach the portal but misplaces it then he had to find a new strong hold
@BKrivi09 said in #34:
> Endermite spawned and killed the player
Endermites are only spwaned when an ender pearl is thrown and that is also a 5% chance so how did the endermite spawn he never even threw a pearl

Edit: i had spelled when wrong
@PrathamOne said in #35:
> Endermites are only spwaned when an ender pearl is thrown and that is also a 5% chance so how did the endermite spawn he never even threw a pearl
> Edit: i had spelled when wrong
@Danialyazdani said in #39:
> then he goes to ender ship to get the dragon head then he goes to get the dragon egg
and then after a long time of travel, he finally finds a end city and collects all the loots and elytra and went back to the overworld

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