
How do I prepare for a Classical OTB tournament?

I have an OTB tournament coming up. I'm bad with slow time controls. how should I prepare?
For getting used to a physical board: Do what Sarg0n said.

For getting used to the time control: Play correspondence and do some puzzles. Take your time there!

Yes than you have much to do
I guess you already understand golden rules in chess?

Try prepared your openings with checking annoted games.
It is important to understand the theory and the structure, ideas etc.
Have a setup against different openings that saves time during games. Compare your play with title players how they contine the same opening repertoire you play.,
Search your opening variation. You see the name on lichess and Search videos about them on youtube.
Study tactics for lern different tactical motives, checkmates and know your opponents how they play.
If you have weekend tournament now you should not study so much just rest and relax, walking, etc.
Do not get tired before the tournament.

Analyse every game you play after the tournament and try to understand every move. Build up a repertoire with ideas from Roman chess lab or with
chessmood. com

Make a free report from your games on lichess you had played.

Analyse your thoughts after the game and compare your games with theory. Try to understand different critical moments during every games. Make a blunder check, deep position analyse with an engine. Save your game on a database.
Yes its takes alot of time but make a training program.
Study some good training book.

You need to eat energy and drink coffe or something during the games. Make notes about time spending.
Up and stretch your body so you do not sit the whole game still.
Do not go too far just to the toilet or coffee shop and use earplugs so you are not disturbed.

Every time your opponents make a move think why? and any threats before your own ideas and you make your move.
When you had made a move think on his time and try to think if your was your opponent What you should play. If you do not see any special think about your worst pieces and make it better.

Good luck with your tournament.
Regards Erik
The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Just join an offline club and get used to real board, moving pieces, pressing the clock and so on.
Get good sleep

Don't eat: Sugar, Chocolate, nor junk food.

Do about 30 minutes of physical exercise daily.

Play 1-2 Classical games per-day, to prepare for the time-control, and use all the time allowed by the time-control.
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