
Candidates 8th round, Nepo vs Abasov: Incorrect last move recorded

Hello everyone,

I just noticed that for Candidates 8th round, Nepo vs Abasov, after the move 63.Kf1 was played, both players agreed to a draw, as the next move by Black, 63...Ra1 would lead to a draw by threefold repetition.

63.Kf1 was the last move that was played in the game, however, the game recorded on Lichess has 63...Kd5, as the last move. It's a move that was never played OTB, so should not be recorded.

Link to the game:

I did not find the right place to report this, so coming to the forums for help.

Could anyone help me find the right way so that this can be rectified?
It happens when an arbiter places the kings in the center to register a result. The easiest way to avoid this is to remove a piece from the board prior placing the kings.

In any case, it has been corrected. Thanks.

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