
A Hard Fought Battle

ok, I won't say the idea of team battles is not fun, but I think the way it is put in practice is quite bad. As long as one can join as many teams as they want, the sense of belonging to and fighting for a particular team is not there, right?
Besides that, overall the teams are just created based on too random facts, like vegetarianism or love for maths for example. Why would anyone play in a team battle just to represent such teams? For example, there are teams created based on nationality, which is fine. Feeling pride of your country is pretty common, and fighting for this pride seems reasonable to me (well, there are sometimes 4-5 teams representing the same country, so choosing between one of them would seem really stupid, but that's another story). But why would someone play in a team battle representing CHEATER INVESTIGATION ASSOCIATION(CIA)??!
A deadly fight! There are still fallen warriors at the battlefield!!
Well done! Keep on playing...
Could you maybe change the timings a bit in the future. Most of your events are at such a bad time that I can't play even if I want to.
<Comment deleted by user>
You're writing wrong every time
Crestbrook------Crestbook-------no letter r

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