
We have discovered the cure for depression. It's 100% natural.

oops sorry....i didn't notice...your "late" father.... case closed.
You're right. In first way the person has to do it by itself and it's difficult to say if someone has a depression or not. Some people say, they have depression but they don't have one.
In a theoretical way the person has to do it by itself. Prcatical it's possible to influence a person to solf it the way you think it is the right one. This is a art for itself and part of the brain hacking I talked about. To see exact the problem of the person and to find a way to move the person in the right direction.
This is very manipulativ and I don't like it but if you see people with real depression and you can cure it's worth it.

I think that the reason for depression is the lost of the meaning of life. People that know why they come here, to this world, they just don't understand such things, and can't imagine how is to be depressed (hopeless). Hope is the cure!
I like Sputnik_Monroe's response. Lots of good wisdom in there that makes sense to me.

I would self-diagnose myself with mild depression at age 29. I'm 31 now. In fact, a big factor why I started playing chess is because of depression.

What do I think caused my depression? Real simple. Heartbreak. Girlfriend dumped me; bad breakup. She told me it was going to destroy me. Her family was religious (all believed in God), and I've always been agnostic/atheist my whole life. Also, it's hard to keep a girlfriend if you lose your job.

It's almost like if I didn't have a sex drive, none of this would've happened---depression.

So now I know I must reinvent myself, repurpose. That tells me to be greedy as fuck; selfish; do whatever the hell I want 24/7. The basics---eat, sleep, exercise. Repeat. Forget the past. Forgetting the past seems impossible. When I reflect on my life now, my perspective tells me I'm very seriously mentally ill. I used to smile all the time; I cant remember the last time I genuinely smiled.

I take an anti-depressant now. I think the cure for depression should be to socialize, fit in (job/school/etc), help others, and all natural remedies. Even if you do all those things, it's not a cure. More like a band-aid.

CTORH, you say hope is the cure? I agree. But what am I hoping for? Hope it gets better? Hope there's an afterlife? I believe hope is really all we have, but I'm not sure what comes next. I hope all my dreams, fantasies, and noble desires are fulfilled. Damn, I'm talkin' nonsense now! :P

People are saying sex & weed cures depression. I disagree!!! I never did those things, then I was doing both sex/weed for 2-3 years straight and it fucked up both my mental/physical health REALLY bad. I used to have a 36" vertical, could do 25 pullups, etc.
Thanks for posting your story...rairden...

lets start.
Its a good thing you started playing chess.... why don't you start doing the things i have mentioned in the video? just try...have faith in me... i have been in your situation also...

My depression was a result of a fear that generated in me when i first went to college..... I had this fear that the seniors are so so superior when it comes to having knowledge that they can humiliate me, and make me feel very very inferior infront of everybody....and it scared the shit out of me...that whatever knowledge that i have right now when i was not enough to tackle those people with superior knowledge....

I was so scared and so helpless...because i felt nobody could really help me, whether its my parents or friends because they too will be defeated when it comes to having knowledge as compared to those seniors....

the nature was the same. i rarely used to smile or talk or laugh... never really cared what is happening in my academics...failed terribly in college...completed my degree in 5 years.

What is the thing that saved me?
ans: My intuition told me that except for the GURU nobody can really help thats what i did.... there is a spiritual practice prescribed in that you get up early in the morning at 4:00 am... take a bath.... and after that do the spiritual practice.... the spiritual practice used to be of 1 hour or so.... and because of that my rest of the day used to go very peaceful....

this what i started at the age of 19....and i kept on doing to it till 23 and still going on.... That does not mean i wake up everyday...this is how i started.... i still do spiritual practice whenever i feel like...but you should start early in the morning

Now when i started to follow the guru.... I did whatever the teachings of the guru said... Basically i made all of my decisions in my life in a way...that what would Guru do in my situation?

and slowly slowly...with constant practice.... I got my purpose back.... and hence I have opened this company known as the Brahm Life Coaching..... I never would have imagined in my wildest dream that i would be doing such a thing....when i was 19

What happened to you.... just accept it at first.... and start living in the moment.... You still have a purpose my friend....ther are so many things in this world that can be repaired...there is so much suffering becuase people do not help each other....there are so so so many causes that you can join...that'll make the world a better place.... by saying that you have dreams and fantasy...that is okay....what the world needs are more "value givers" than "value takers"
become a "value giver"

your girlfriend dumped you because you were not giving any value to her.... women are always going to choose the person who can protect and provide for them...that's human nature.... the alpha men of the groups are always going to score more ...becuase they can hunt better...and a women's survival rate would be much better with that guy...

You made her your were taking sex or lust from her but not giving anything in return....and she felt like that i am giving more value than i am getting...that's why she left you.... Girls or women are only going to stay if you are on your purpose....
There are lot of things that i can tell you...for that subscribe my channel

and join my fb page:

AND LET ME TELL YOU ONE MORE THING.....ALL THE WORLD MIGHT REJECT YOU... BUT THE GURU.... that is why "the "gurdwara" is open to all...which signifies that whatever your opinions or beliefs are, you are still acceptable in the Guru's house.... you are always and always will be good enough for the guru....

i hope it helps. I can answer all your questions...just join my page and channel. thanks
Maybe there are 2 kinds of hope:
* Wish-guided hope
* Trust-guided hope

I meant hope through trust. That you don't deserve your worse fears. It will be not fair to happen to you. Suffering that you have now is just warnings or exercise of you defence system.
#10 - #11 It's OK, on Tuesday it's 10 years since he died...

He spent years working with various ideas for curing depression. In the 50s and 60s they experimented using LSD, for example; there was also electric shock treatment in those days.

My father said to me that none of this stuff worked, but that he had a 100% success rate at psychotherapy.

The key is to reprogramme the brain so that you can let out the things that are locked in the darkest recesses, and realise that that we take the sum of our experiences to make ourselves - in a positive way - who we are.

The most important things for many people are things like their relationships with other people, especially family and partners; the negative effect of events in their life; being able to turn negative thought into positive process.

Through understanding yourself as a person and coming to terms with bad things, you can stop the perpetuation of negativity.

Some simple things people with depression can do are to end each day thinking of a small number - say three - things good that happened. They can take a negative thing and look at how it can be positive instead. They can consider a bad thing as an experience that they must not allow to happen again.

I'm no expert in this stuff - I just grew up surrounded by it! But there is always hope. Just remember that :)
Recent days confirm the rule that if you want to be happy, you should be grateful.
What is this thing that unlocks our love for everything around us?

I think it should be the cure of depression and despair.
Because love is а field of creativity and when we manage to activate this field, we heal everything around us, including ourselves who are in it. We create.

Ziggy Marley - Love is my religion

[I do not want to offend people who have not yet unlocked love in theirself nor I am still a man of love, just wanted to share this thought.]

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