
Why does Lichess TV (on mobile) change games before it's finished?

Often when watching a game on the mobile app, it will automatically change games before the one you're watching has finished? Is that supposed to happen? why?

I can't stress enough how annoying this is. You watch a game from the opening, become very interested in it, and then suddenly you're watching a completely different game. Is there some way to prevent this from happening?
Maybe there could be a simple way to put a hold on the game so you can keep reviewing it, through to completion. I think one of the reasons it does a switch is to keep showing a high rated game as the current view.
Yes, it would be nice if there were an option to 1) randomly change, or 2) stay on the same game.

For me, there is no point watching a few moves in one game before changing to a different game. Lichess TV is completely unwatchable because of this.
I agree with cactus I also think there should be a backward buttom or replay to go to the previous game.
Agree. As it is now it is more of a cool website technology demo than a chess player oriented TV
I agree, lichess TV is just about unusable because it is not possible to watch a whole game, even a short one. Are there really players who want to see a few moves of a dozen games each?

Otherwise, great site. Thank you a lot.

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