
Chess Memes ( Not normal crappy ones xD)

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these are so funny, I can read these for a lfetime and not get sick of it.
@DeadlyGambits said in #36:
> ok so that guy preferred Gedult's Opening rather than English Opening
no the meme means that if you play Gedult's Opening, you will go into area 52 while if you play english opening, you will go into Area 51
@natbee56 said in #37:
> no the meme means that if you play Gedult's Opening, you will go into area 52 while if you play english opening, you will go into Area 51
@natbee56 said in #39:
> the pic is used in area 51 and area 52 location
ohk I did not notice it (cause I don't even know XD)

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