
Does stockfish get it wrong?

I find this interesting...

My game analyses says I should have played NF6 (move 5 for black) and calls F5 a blunder?

I strongly disagree... playing F5 is no blunder ...then when I do play Nf6 in a better position it calls it an inaccuracy?

It's the same as move 12 for black, another so called mistake sacrificing the queen, if he takes the queen black has the advantage but stockfish can't see that

Apparently that's a question you can best answer for yourself, Red. ;)

And incidentally, 5... f5 looks absolutely dreadful to me.
You are weakening your position too much with f5 and opening the e-file for White rook allowing potential attack by White pieces towards kingside.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #3:
> You are weakening your position too much with f5 and opening the e-file for White rook allowing potential attack by White pieces towards kingside.

Perhaps but I think would prefer F5 with white castling kingside, I see more options attacking his H2/H3 pawn and opening up his king but I do agree it would be much stronger if black could quickly castle queenside, then the open file is not so much a threat.
@MrPushwood said in #2:
> And incidentally, 5... f5 looks absolutely dreadful to me.

It does make the pawns smile, so there's that. Or maybe he lost connection and someone told him to try f5 when that happens.
How can you say f5 is not a blunder. The line stockfish gives for white instead of d4 is literally winning by force...
@AsDaGo said in #5:
> It does make the pawns smile, so there's that. Or maybe he lost connection and someone told him to try f5 when that happens.
Wow, loved the positive perspective!
@Eswatini_Abbondazio said in #1:
> I find this interesting...

Wow f5!!, such an interesting move! You got a losing position from the opening, then played with engine accuracy for the rest of it. Like you did in all the games you had time to play before getting banned... Very interesting indeed!

You need to find a better way to fool the cheat detection than that.

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