
Help me learn to play this pawn structure

I have lost just about every game again this e5 f5 pawn duo pawn structure. What usually ends up happening is my opponent just starts advancing his kingside pawns, I can't find a real plan, so I resort to playing something radical because if I don't do anything I Will just get get rolled, I just don't understand this pawn structure and previously I have tried to play e4 at some point to fight blacks center, but it always ended badly, and stockfish always disliked it so I try to avoid it now.

Move 8: nbd2 not sure about this move, I was trying to stop e4 but nc3 is probably better although if I played nc3 and my opponent play a6 or anything else I wouldn't know what to play next.

13. a4 I played a4 because I couldn't find a pplan of any kind so I am just making a move that's looks ok, I move side pawns o d often if I don't find a plan

14. F4 I am lashing out because I still couldn't find a plan and I didn't want to get steam rolled with him playing f4 so I try to put a stop to it. I tried to find any piece move but I couldn't find a single one that Sid anything

18. Rf1?? What was that?? I wanted to play h4 to force matters but I saw it gives up the g4 square for his knight, I already felt like I have a position with no prospects, only defense and I resigned soon after, this is kind of how most of my games end in these positions, I was hoping that him playing g5 was exposing his own king but clearly I didn't find anything.
There seems to be a lot of wasted moves early. If you are aware of this plan for black to play a king's side attack, then you shouldn't waste time.

5. Bg2 is faster development... I think if you are afraid of 5. ...e4, then maybe 5. d3, but d3 is as slow as the text. 5. c4 does not develop or help the position.

Watch how much more development the GM has in the attached game. By the time he reaches move 9, he is already in re-deployment phase while you are playing moves like Nd2-b1 and un-developing your stuff.

Drhack, after g3 if black went e4, is that plan then going to be like nh4 ng2 c4 ne3? Because I would be afraid to leave the knight on g2 because it's taking away bishop squares and also wouldn't want to play e3 because of the light square holes it creates.
I don't follow. After 4. g3, black has not yet even played e5.
In that case.. a GM played it. I guarantee he had an idea after 4. ...e4. Just take the time to figure it out. Nothing comes easy in chess. ;) . @GM1224
I use to play 1. b3 as white and 1. .. b6 as black. I "Could" help with this, but I am unsure how you are studying. How did you get the ideas you are displaying in the game presented? Why in the development are you doing a double fianchetto? Why when you notice the pawn structure happening do you ignore the development of your bishop on f1 to move c4 and d3?

Another thing. Why do you develop your knight from b1-d2 and then extremely quickly develop it from d2-b1-c3?? That maneuver in itself without good reason is most definitely a positional blunder. So, Why? and if there is good reason where did it come from?

From my observation, you don't have a plan. And what you appear to be doing is trying to anticipate the attack by trying to defend before it comes? That might explain moves like Nd2-b1-c3 with Nf3-d2.

The reason I am expressing this the way I am is because the fact that for your rating level, you have chosen a very difficult opening choice. Not bad just without proper knowledge of principles, it is difficult to understand and explain. So maybe give me an idea of how you are learning this and what resources you already use? Tag me please so I am notified of your reply.

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