
if this year i didnt reach 2200 rating i will quit chess


Are you only playing a lot of bullet games daily ?
Do you read chess books ?
Analyse your games ?
Do you play slow time control games over the board ?
@rookfromanothercolor said in #1:
> hello friends i am publically announcing if this year i didnt reach 2200 rating on lichess i will quit chess for ever
> wish me luck
> see you around
Then you don’t love the game that is chess xxx
@rookfromanothercolor said in #1:
> hello friends i am publically announcing if this year i didnt reach 2200 rating on lichess i will quit chess for ever
> wish me luck
> see you around
Ur now 1700 bruh
Well, in case I dont see you again, farewell. Good luck in your future endeavors.
(In case it wasnt clear. I am implying you wont make it)
The higher you go, the more difficult it becomes to move up the ladder. This is true of every game, every profession. There is a bell curve here, and it requires more effort to go from 95% to 98%, then to go from 70% to 95%. For example, if I wanted to improve to 2300 or 2400 I'd have to learn more openings, theory, and end games, and improve tactical awareness, and it would probably take me a couple years (And I still may not make it). Chess is a combination of talent and hard work. If you are studying chess, and cannot improve, then maybe you've maximized your potential in chess. But if you are not studying, and are only relying on talent, or playing while on the toilet (like myself), then there are also limits to how far you can climb the ladder.

If you are studying hard, and still at 1800, then I'd say you shouldn't quit, but you should put more time into things you are good at, or things you enjoy. If you are not studying, then start studying because you cannot get to 2200 without a deeper understanding of the game, either acquired by experience or by learning from a tutor/book.

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