
So far only one major thing wrong with lichess (for me)

and so what if they get lucky? you can get your points back by some other means, thats the point of having points, they reflect how good you are, so you can win them back if you deserve them.

P.S. Just cause youre a NM doesnt mean you have a right to be so high and mighty to non-titled players
Hello DeV1ce

I recently got lucky in a tourney game against you.
I am only a 1800 player but I am not a coward and I am not so much concerned with my rating points.
Usually I only play tourney games but in this case I would like to offer a rematch (or some more). Match me any time you like in 5 0. It would be my pleasure to get a nice pangalactic-gargleblaster for me brain.
#1 I miss the days when lichess had automated pairing pools (although few players used them because they were unpopular).

I've never seen so many scare quotes in one place. Truly amazing. If I'm ever feeling depressed I'm going to come back to #5 to remember there is beauty in the world.
Lol you'll never feel depressed again after reading #5

Don't you think that before "speaking for most titled players" you should get a title first?

But i completely agree with you. It would be a scandal if you wouldn't get benefits. You are probably in the top 50.000 worldwide, maybe even top 30.000 . Sites should actually pay you for playing. Damn Commmies!
#5 is funny because of its absurdity. The reason it becomes absurd is a confusion of the meaning implied by quotations vs the he way he (mis)used them; he was lacking italics and/or bolding ability.

Or maybe he just loves quotation marks. *shrug* :P

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