
Statistics on cheating

I was wondering if there are any published statistics about cheating on lichess.
For example:
"banned cheaters / time interval"
the ratios of "cheating-games" vs fair games of indentified cheaters
distribution of cheaters across "rating", time formats
how long cheaters stay in the playing pool (number of games, time frame, rating climb, ...)
identifying types of cheaters ("frequency", "severity within a game", selectivity -> only cheating in specific types of games)

I did not find anything official yet, maybe I missed that.
If not, I think it might be useful for two reasons:

-> give players more insight about the issue, so one can get a better understanding of the issue( "is cheating really as big as an issue as often claimed?", "how likely is it that my oppoenent is actually cheating?" -> might improve accuracy of reports, "what impact do cheaters have on rating system"(especially on what time scale)
-> improve research in the field of cheating detection (specifically in chess)

There might also be some concerns about, whether something like this is actually useful:
-> "doesn't this help (smart) cheaters to stay undetected?"
-> "would the work on this be worth it?" "Are people actually interested in this kind of information?" and "Does it actually help improve cheating detection?"
-> "would it spark misinformation based on wrong interpretation of the published statistics, considered that this is often a very polarizing subject?

I think there would be a net positive, since the majority of players is not cheating, so the positive effects are likely to be weighted stronger. Furthermore I think as more facts are available on the subject, the higher the quality of discussion about it. Since then there would actually be a quality source to base arguments on rather than subjective opinions and feelings.

I am looking forward to any constructive responses and hopefully a sensible discussion.
If there is in fact already such a source of information I am also happy if someone can point to it.
Thank you!
Thanks for your response. Yes these are the kind information I was looking for,but it is very sparse.
I really would enjoy this section of the reports be more in depth.

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