
Dark theme

It's only me or dark theme has changed? Now I see some dark text on dark background which is really hard to see.
I use "dark" and all looks the same for me. I even tried to find a way through Lichess settings to reproduce what you describe and came up empty. I wonder if something was changed or went amiss with your device's settings.
That color is defined in lichess body element css. Maybe you have an extension or user style that overrides it. Try it in incognito/private or another browser.
I've experience this, too. One hour fine, the next unreadable. I didn't make any changes to my computer.
I do have the same issue with Firefox - in Dark Mode text is black on dark ground - hardly to read. I noticed it the first time, after I analyzed one of my games - of course not sure, whether this relates to the issue. any ideas how to reset the colors?

In Microsoft edge, everything looks fine - so I assume it is some kind of setting with FF...?

Win 10, Firefox 104.0.2 (64 Bit)
It is fine in Chrome or in Firefox for Linux or in Firefox in anonymous mode. I din't tampered with a custom user css.
Got it: it was a Firefox extension, Facebook container, which limits FB tracking. I still don't understand what this extension has to do with Lichess.
miracle - now it's back to normal again... but will keep an eye on the fb extension.

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