
Pairing Delays in 3+3 Time Control Tournament on Lichess: Seeking Resolution and Insights

Dear Lichess players and administration,

I recently participated in a Lichess tournament with a time control of 3+3, and it appears that the pairing didn't work correctly several times. There were instances where I had to wait for three minutes before being assigned a new opponent, even though there were 12 tournament participants active and not on pause at that time. However, only 4 boards were running with the three-minute timer. It seems unreasonable that four out of the 12 players had to wait for 3 minutes without being paired with each other. Could there be a technical error, or were there incorrect or suboptimal tournament settings?

Is it possible that the somewhat unusual time control of 3+3 is causing issues for Lichess in terms of pairing?

As far as I know, there is a setting that requires a minimum wait time of 30 (or 10?) seconds between games, but certainly not three minutes! Something must have gone wrong, right? Or was it just because having only 12 players was too few for effective pairing, and with, for example, 20 players, it would have worked much better with no wait times exceeding one minute, ensuring that at least 8 out of a maximum of 10 boards were always in play?

What was the issue? Does anyone know of a solution to this problem?

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