
Crazyhouse Mate in 4

@AREA11 #10 -- It's all good. I am kind-of a dumb player. There ain't no problem critiquing my playing or analysis skills. (I play for fun, to relax, I don't take anything about chess "seriously," since I could never get to that level of being a "serious" player.)

I don't usually pay attention to the "centipawn" or (computer) "analysis" stuff. Just what I can learn for myself when I decide to pay attention to something (and I saw the Ominous mate as soon as the pawn drop to protect against the King check). Nothing really new or novel. But, I'll be happy to NOT see such when I'm playing a live game and then lose the game ;)

"Rematch," or
"New Opponent"

Those are my choices, I'm just happy to play. I'm not a good player. It's fair to call me dumb (when it comes to chess).

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