
any ideas

why not a main character of an orc? Or an Elv? It would be something different.
@SlowBerserk said in #11:
> why not a main character of an orc? Or an Elv? It would be something different.
i was gonna have 2 main charactors 1 a cold blooded prince elf and a kind hearted boy and his friends
@SlowBerserk said in #11:
> why not a main character of an orc? Or an Elv? It would be something different.
sorry my main character is a halfling half elf half human
@theodorecalexico said in #1:
> on a fantasy book if u haven't read Eragon LEAVE! or go read it
i read one chapter. it wasnt bad, but i decided to read harry potter instead.
There's a trilogy called Fireborne that you could read for some ideas. It's fantasy but it's more political/societal fantasy. You'll understand if or when you read it.
TH White’s “The Once and Future King” (especially Sword in the Stone) is brilliant.
The Once and Future King. Did he, by chance, have orangey-gold hair and a smokin'-hot wife, and get lots of resolutely negative attention from the press?
@Dukedog said in #2:
> You might like Tolkien .
> I read all his books and he is a captivating storyteller.
I read his books too. His books are amazing

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