
Does anyone know a fun aggressive opening to play against the Italian game as black?

@MAGNus_204 said in #15:
> you can play the shilling gambit e4 e5 nf3 nc6 bc4 nd4 this is insta win line if white captures and this is pretty good at your level
> u can even watch my games(in lichess you will find like 2500+ playing playing both sides but i play that gambit against 2000 max so you can watch my games and know how will others play like)

Thanks mate. Have played before, but i want something to change over as i go up the ranks (fingers crossed :)) maybe ill be where you are in a year (we'll see, i dont play for the rating, but its nice to improve), any tips for the super fast improvement? :)
I dont like to play against e4, let alone any variation of it.
I play d5 after that. From there, most likely ill get into the modern Scandinavian. There are quite a few traps there.
@nopressurechess said in #20:
> might be a good shout with the Sicilian, seems to be a fair few people recomending it :). I play the smith morra gambit against it, great fun to play :). thanks for the advice.
If you don't want to study a lot of theory in the Sicilian, there is the Kan variation. It's very fun even when you don't know how to play it (like me :D). Beware of Anti-Sicilians like Alapin and even SM (Smith-Morra).
The machine evaluates 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Nf6 4 Ng5 Nxe4 5 Bxf7+ Ke7 6 d4 as approximately 1 point in favor of White.
A lot of the suggestions I'm seeing are fun but not objectively sound. If you want something that you can reliably play against any level of opposition and still get good results I'd reccomend the 2 knights defense. If white goes for the quiet variation, 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. d3, I like the move h6!? which prepares a very direct kingside attack with g5. If white attempts the fried liver, 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 d5 5. exd5 b5!? immediatly gets a very sharp position where black has a lot of activity.

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