
Modern Defense Bullet Arena shows the wrong starting position

Link to the arena:

The starting position shown for today's Modern Defense Bullet arena was 1. e4 g6. Here's the FEN for that: rnbqkbnr/pppppp1p/6p1/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 2

But in the actual arena, the position is different with Bc7, c4 and Nc6 having been played. Here is the FEN for this position:

Why is this? Is there a bug causing the wrong starting position to be shown? Anyhow I hope reporting it means it can be fixed for future arenas. Thanks!
Is the idea to keep the true starting position secret until the tournament starts?

The Modern Defense blitz arena is also showing a different starting position:

It is a little strange, but maybe it makes sense if they don't want people preparing too much ahead of time.
My hypothesis is since every variation are called modern defense, it can apears the standard position of the modern, e4 g6 and not the right variation

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