
To add LiChess Puzzles Rank of all Players.

Kozlov_Sergey: Puzzle rank does not make any sence. A lot of people can cheat with an engine when they solve puzzles. Lichess does not check players if users use engine during solving puzzles.
Puzzle rating give you "performane" rating, it means how successful you are when you are solving chess puzzles. That's all.
Normal people do not cheat.

Chess puzzles show, players's potencial power. This means, puzzle shows, how strong is player in condition, when time is unlimited.
I want to get list of playes, who use to solve puzzles, and the list of puzzles, that were receintly solved or failed by every player.

Because it is intrensting for me "Who has best potencial in chess".

For this porpose i want to see following:
1) the history of last 20 puzzles attempts for every player available for public,
2) how long every player thought on every puzzle including time on every puzzle move while solving,
3) ability to find all puzzles, that every player was trying to solve, with all the results of all attempts including every move, that every player made on every half move on puzzle going?

This will solve all problems with cheating.
But there may stay the suspections especialy for high rated puzzle players.

It is on their conscience.

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