
You have got to be kidding.

Trick around this problem: take the link on the top bar, get rid of the last 4 characters in the game id and everything after it and put the link in a message to the one you want to play against. At least for correspondence games that works. Another way would be to send a message to defy you, that way they just have to wait for you to accept their game, and you don't have to open another tab ;).

Any suggestions yourself on how to solve this?
BigDoggProblem, you've come in here only spouting negativity and criticism, whilst not offering any suggestions as to how it could be improved or what you'd like as a fix. There is a difference between pure criticism, and constructive criticism. The latter is always appreciated, the former will only make everybody feel bad.

I'm personally very sorry that your reputation got damaged because you were playing a game with some guy and it disappeared. If your reputation gets damaged over something as trivial as that, I cannot imagine what being late must do to it. It's internet chess. I get that it can be very inconvenient to have another tab open in your browser for a week, especially with all these window updates that occur, but why don't you just coordinate your schedule better with this friend who seemingly doesn't want to play with you if he cannot take the 5 seconds to click a link?

Even so, why don't you completely try to state this issue again, in a mature and constructive way:

ie: "When I invite a friend to play the request isn't held as open if I do different things in the same tab - any chance we could fix this to make it easier for us?"

I cannot believe I am teaching someone how to interact with other humans.
Note - just realised why the game might have disappeared - after 14 days of inactivity a game in action is automatically pruned. If neither of you make a move for 2 weeks, you should probably try postal chess rather than internet chess.
#9 #16 I'm curious if this design flaw would be comparatively simple to fix for correspondence chess challenges. I can understand the desire to play a correspondence game with a friend without requiring both of you to be online at the same time to start the game.
Alright, i agree about that poster isn't a friendly person and everything, but this is actually something that should be fixed. I am not a programmer but can't this work just the same way as tournaments and other normal real-time games ? If you close the tab game/tournament is still in progress and your time is running out but at least you closed the tab and don't have to worry about shutting down your computer or closing browser etc. #Cynosure, there is no need to teach other people that, he is probably just angry because he want really hard to beat that friend and his friend isn't interested so much or maybe he is a child, so what ? He will learn then from his parents or in school, there is no need to humiliate him this way "how to interact with other humans"... This is even good, internet is a magical place with really special cases, trust me this guy is normal.
"or maybe he is a child" i meant the poster, not his friend. Damn languages i am learning 5 of those..

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