
Unable to move any pieces, Chrome on Android and Chrome on Windows

I am unable to start any games on both Android and Windows. I can initiate the match finding and I can see that I am paired with another player but I'm unable to make the first move as white. If I start as black, I never see the opponent's move. If I go to the list of recent games after the server aborts the match, I can see that my opponent played a move, if they were white.

Developer tools on Windows shows the following error:

Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: LichessRound is not defined
This is happening to me right now. I am able to play games in my mobile app but not on my PC. I've tested in Firefox and Microsoft Edge.
@Nagotian said in #3:
> This is happening to me right now. I am able to play games in my mobile app but not on my PC. I've tested in Firefox and Microsoft Edge.
Exactly the same, however puzzles work for whatever reason as well on pc.
This still going on for you guys? I’ve been having the same issue and got my first 10 min timeout trying to troubleshoot it :(
yeah this is happening to me right now as well
@BigPisces said in #5:
> This still going on for you guys? I’ve been having the same issue and got my first 10 min timeout trying to troubleshoot it :(

So I guess it was temporary for me. I haven't had the issue since. Submit a support ticket if you got locked out. Let them know this is an issue, and show them this thread. They can ask us for games links and stuff, maybe?
Same here. still doesn't work. Hard refresh also doesn't work.

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