
We have discovered the cure for depression. It's 100% natural.

Sex and weed ARE natural and can serve as an awesome antidepressant! But I hadn't watched the video for knowing this! :D
you can also become sex as well weed addict by doing that.
The cannabis plant's buds have a wider range of medicinal and industrial applications than any other psychoactive substance on the planet.
He reminds me of a SAP developer ;-)

I had expierence with "depressed" people and I'm pretty good in hacking brains.The solution is more complicated as sex and weed.
Using weed or other "drugs" let you loose your natural defence system. I saw this many times.
If you handle strong situations by yourself you keep trained if you take drugs or let someone else handle the situation for you, you get "weak".
In my expierience best is to get trained from small stress over the time to big stress to handle it by yourself.
Meditaion has "secret" methods to let your brain sleep. The words you say in some meditations let you loose lot of oxygen or speed or using meditation beads will occupy your brain.
But the same will do nearly every sport activity.
So you can find a guru or just go out in the woods and make a walk. If you need the personal connection, make the walk with a friend.
Depression is coupled with expectations. Even if the depression comes from hormones you can do pretty much with your brain.

Depression is a strategical problem and it needs a strategical solution. Not a tactical.

whatever works for you bro.... obviously one of the teachings of the guru is to live in the moment.... so even if you are not following a guru....there's a natural guru or guide in the form of intuition in everyone which tells you what to if you feel like going to a friend or go out in the nature...that's your inner intuition telling you to do the right thing. : )
this is a general principle of many art of living ro religions.
In taoism it's part of the wu-wei concept.
To be in the moment is a very helpful tool but this is only a tactical solution for a smal time.
Intuition is something that grows. Normaly it grows in the wrong direction.
Look around you. Most people follow there intuition and look what the wolrd is like. Not always shiny.
We make the mistake to call it intuition if we think we've done something right (by accident or willing).
Big problem is that humans have tendency for suffering.
Following your intuition will not lead you to a lucky live.

In my expieirence the real art of life is to find the balance.
Most people move away from sadness or suffering into big pleasure. That makes the range between good and sad emotion bigger.
This is one of the biggest trpas in life in my oppinion. Go from stress into party.
The middle is golden. And the way to understand how your emotions are working.
Every human does for himself every time the right thing. Even if he thinks not doing the right thing is the right thing or don't care about it is the right thing.
We are children of the evolution. We optimize. Not local - global.
You can fail your life but thats not important for evolution. It's the mass where the changes happen and it works if only a small amount of humans move on.
That's the bad news. And even evolution doesn't has to work out. It's a mechanism that goes on. it's there and moves on.

In simple thoughts you can split your thinking in two parts.
Helping to do your living in this second and thinking.
Thinking is normally the part that hurts, makes you suffer.
You can use lot's of possibilities to stop this hurting thinking.
Alcohol, drugs, eating, sex, ... you can regulate your oxygen for the brain.. you can force your brain in the moment of now by playing soccer, running, making fast or complex movements.
Wellness is every thing that brings your head from thinking into feeling.
but these are only quick helpers. For dperession or bigger problems you need more than run away from your thinking.
In taosims it's the picture of water..
if you press an empty bottle under water.. the deeper you press it the harder itcomes up.
The more you use alcohol or sports to get out of your thinking the harder it will attack you.
This is the only way the brain has to come back. Sorrows. It's like a veto or a handbrake.
To fix a depressed brain is like playing against a pretty good chessplayer. It is good possible to win but you have to play solid. Most people are not prepared enough to win this battle.

The same problems like in chess. Not looking on the board. Don't see the comming checks... Blunders...

There are reasons why a phone call helps you more than a cup of tea. Or a walk in the woods is better for you than hear music.
Motives are not only in chess...

Sorry for the long text..

you are assuming a lot of things.....what you think is depression, might not be depression.... Depression is lethargy, a black hole, it is deep.... saying that your way is the only way is what is the problem... If you are happy and in peace with yourself then i don't think you would be bother to even comment.... and if you are not.... then you know what is the problem....

people who are not depressed, are just in peace.... and then they help others to achieve the same peace..... It is like learning how to play a guitar, the teacher might teach you the basics and the technical knowledge, but it is the student who has to put the work.

You think only the activity of the brain is involved? it is not.... there is mind, body as well as the soul...... the emotional quotient is what gets fucked up in depression... you dont feel like doing is actually the "feel" part which requires the does not have to do with the intellect.

To tell you truth, you cannot fix a depressed person, only he/she can fix her/himself...
just like what Osho said " if you are suffering then you are responsible, and if you are in bliss...then also you are responsible"

Cheers. Have a nice day.
#8 what a load of rubbish. My late father, a psychiatrist, spent 45 years curing people - successfully - of depression through psychotherapy.
Really? ask your dad...what's his success rate?.... its not like therapy doesn't work.... there are cases which takes decades to get cured...

you can see it from the amount of ted talks there are on depression

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