
Titled Arena 6!

Donating prize for next tournament by Tang would have been really classy.
No. Magnus Carlsen is much richer and more famous than Tang. Hopefully Tang used the money for chess training and became strong enough to win the next candidates tournament and qualify to face Magnus Carlsen in the next world championship match.
The last titled arena is a nice proof that chess and alcohol do not mix. I am sure Magnus Carlsen would have won if he was sober. Therefore, if he gets drunk again, he will badly lose again. I want to see a strong and sober Magnus Carlsen in this titled arena.
@Entuzijasta Tang should not feel pressured into donating the prize back, it is rightfully his, and he is not a multi millionaire like Magnus is.
Should have pointed clearly that the previous
$3,000 prize was mainly donated by Magnus Calrsen
LM does not make sense if they are not allowed to play here. Especially that there is no other use of this title also they were given most of the times for bullet skills. But ok, I understand some people do not respect that title and this would not encourage some otb titled players to join.

There is another option I think everybody would respect. 1 little tiny spot for non titled player. Tournament qualifying for that one, so the winner would be allowed to play lichess titled.

#23 There is no proof for what you say. Carlsen drunk the same amounts before and won. Also he was probably drininking not that strong beers and was not drunk. Everybody knows the reason he did not win. Internet connection was aweful - only one red bar very often, needed to stop the stream, lagged badly and I think he was disconnected couple of times. He will not tell you that - no excuses but everybody knows.

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