
opening: getting N+1p vs B?


here the link

in the opening

move 9:
i can get a N and an extra pawn but i lose my white B (he can attack square f7 and h7)
what's the stronger? keeping my B or exchange?

tank you
Because the first poster did not answered that sufficiently correct: In this case you get a lot of advantage with capturing. While the computer values knights and bishops the same, there is an argument to be made that in many positions the bishops are a little bit stronger due to mid-endgame reasons and the possibility of pins. But there are also several cases where a knight is much better. One of it may also be if you play on time or in some closed positions. If you encounter that question, ask yourself if you gain or loose momentum and if an additional pawn is worth that. In your case you get a huge amount of momentum, an additional pawn and a lot of traps, that your opponent could overlook.

Keeping the bishop e.g. attacking f7 or keeping the pin is rather a weak threat because he probably will support his pawn on e5 with f6 and castle queen side. After that I feel your white bishop isn't as strong anymore. EDIT: To add: Capturing the e-pawn while your opponent has not castled yet (while you have) can create a lot of momentum on its own.
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