
Lightsaber vs Axe

This is not the place to ask for it.
If you have something to add about Star Wars metal music, you're welcome to do so. If not, please don't spam this thread.
Again, I encourage you to read the forum etiquette in my previous post.
@clousems said in #8:
> And just when I thought I'd seen it all in that last video, they also have a video about Darth Sidious teaming up with a Jawa and a Tuscan Raider to murder Jar-Jar, then forcing dumb lightsaber guy to have a guitar battle with Ray (complete with the button from "The Voice")
> Move over, Okilly Dokillies: metal's got a new strangest band

The gauntlet is thrown down for me to write the great libretto of the adapted opera.
I am still waiting for the release of the alternate cut of Star Wars: Episode III, in which Darth Vader, newly encased in his black life-support suit, break-dances to James Brown's song "I Feel Good," only the lyric would be "I Feel Evil."
@Cassiodorus1 said in #15:
> I am still waiting for the release of the alternate cut of Star Wars: Episode III, in which Darth Vader, newly encased in his black life-support suit, break-dances to James Brown's song "I Feel Good," only the lyric would be "I Feel Evil."

To be honest, I'd prefer a version of the Leonard Bernstein "I Feel Pretty".

"I feel evil
Oh so evil
I feel the power of the Dark Siiiiiiide!
And I pity
Any padawan who isn't me todaaaaaay...."
@clousems said in #16:
> To be honest, I'd prefer a version of the Leonard Bernstein "I Feel Pretty".

You break-dance to Leonard Bernstein tunes? Let me guess: you do it Grover Cleveland style...

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