
where can we see pawn and other

we took?

I would like to have this when playing, this info is important

Could you elaborate? The question is really confusing, I don't understand what you mean.
I think they mean what pieces they've captured, not the material balance.
yes indeed !
the pieces captured ... very important info, no?
I think Its less important of what you think,
the important things are the pieces remaining on the board not outside the board, when u are concentrated on the board you generally dont look outside.
The reason for this is that material is not the goal of chess but to checkmate ( by building the position) and sometimes less pieces are better than more pieces but anyway It can be an interesting addition.
Let me put my first patzer study again which simplifies this clear
or here
Agree... but before a sacrifice I would like to know if I can ... for this I have to know by 'stupid' calculation the pieces captured :-)
The display gives you the material imbalance if one exists. So the calculation is done for you. If you have captured 3 pawns, and your opponent 2 pawns, your display shows that you are 2 pawns ahead. If you have traded a bishop for a knight, your display shows you to have won a knight and your opponent to have won a bishop. If you have traded a knight and bishop for a rook, your display will show you to have won a knight and bishop and under your opponent it will show he has won a rook. If the balance is even, it will show nothing (a bishop for a bishop, for example).

What else is there to calculate for material?
Sorry, I make a mistake. Third sentence should read:

If you have.....that you are 1 pawn ahead. **
This thread almost made me laugh.

I couldn't help it. The sheer innocence of everyone involved...has put a smile on my face.

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