
CK's game analysis room!

No problem rajma420! @themanp15 I'm a bit busy today so I might not be able to do the analysis now. I'll definitely be able to do it tomorrow.
Sorry for the late reply themanp15. Advice on how to play in closed positions or on how to open up the position at the right moment is a bit generic, although I will try to comment on it when it happens in the game.
I think the first slip came at 4…Bg7. This allowed white to open the center with 5.dxe5, and if you recapture, the queens come off, with a nasty endgame for black. Fortunately your opponent didn’t see this and played 5.Be3? Not that it’s wrong, but I don’t like your opponent’s 6.d5!? I think it closes the center too soon. In more detail, when you are ahead in development, you want an open position so your pieces have more mobility and attacking chances. When you close the center, a lead in development doesn’t mean as much, as it is more of a positional maneuvering game, instead of a tactical attacking one. I definitively like your 7…f5!, striking out at the base of white’s pawn chain. Unfortunately you missed the win with 8…f4, trapping white’s bishop. You played well up to 21…O-O. It’s risky to put the king where white has two half open files for their rooks. As you said the rest of the game was a time scramble.
@flippy33 I wouldn't exactly call my skills "great genius" but whatever works for you... :P I will analyze it as soon as I get the chance!
Lately I practice with people that have classical ratings between 2000 and 2100.
Today I lost a game because of an embarrassing blunder on move 39. I should pay more attention. I also beat several players rated between 2000 and 2100 because they made equally embarrassing blunders.
Good luck in 2016 Ontario Open Championship this weekend! I hope you win something!
@Tangelo777 It's good to see you practicing against and beating higher rated players! Thank you for your encouraging words. I appreciate it!

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