
Three lichess-related browser extensions you should check out

#1. Ever wished game chat or whispers automatically included the move #? It can clear up confusion at the time and when reviewing chat later, like: (39. ...Kd6) Black should have played e4 here

Check out lichess whisper switch, by @ipr:


#2. Ever wished you could hop directly from a chessable position to an analysis window in lichess?

Check out the Chessable Analysis Translator, by @Lenovsky:


#3. Ever wished you could do a one-click export of a game from to lichess?

Check out the export from chessgames to lichess, by me (based on a pre-existing script that had fallen into disrepair): (Mine hasn't been used a ton, so please comment here or on the greasyfork site if you have feedback!)

Do you know of others folks should be using?

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