
Search "user:atomicphysicist"

25 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Is 'Horde' a fair variant?#16

#1 Doesn't matter if it's fair or not. Other variants too might appear to be more in favor of white (atomic, anti-chess). It is found enjoyable by many so it deserves to remain, because that's what ma…

Lichess Feedback - Prize money tournaments#7

#5 I agree on that. Rather hard to say out to people when talking.

Lichess Feedback - Please enlarge the "CLAIM VICTORY" and "CALL DRAW" buttons#2

On a computer or phone? Changes to CSS in your browser can be used to help on the former.

Lichess Feedback - Change to donations system#48

How about cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin? No fees. Also simple to implement because you will only have to provide the wallet address. It often has a high volatility but you might get more donors.

General Chess Discussion - Cyborg games LIVE#3

How do you apply to play one? Do I just challenge an opponent to a cyborg game and submit a link to you?

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General Chess Discussion - Curiosity#24

#23 Oh. Good point on the running thing. I just find it hard to accept that they would say that in a 1 billion+ gene pool the chances are so low that genetically a bunch hasn't made it to the top 100 …

General Chess Discussion - Curiosity#22

@sakram07 You are wrong to state that genes can have an effect on few being in the top 100. And it is not that on average they are not interested, but because not as many are exposed to chess. But I g…

General Chess Discussion - Curiosity#21

By "have chess prodigies" I meant potential prodigies, which haven't manifested themselves.
