
Search "user:poimlknbv"

31 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How to Learn chess coordinates ?#3

Play moves with your keyboard not your mouse. Read pgn and make the moves OTB

Game analysis - Powerful attack in a classical game.#9

No cheat but black did many blunders. Specially when they played Q side I think.

Lichess Feedback - Impossibilité de jouer#2

deja, bonjour (c'est la moindre des politesse). traduis ta question si tu vx de l'aide. Pour ma part, je ne px pas te dire. - est ce que tu as deja joue des coups avant que cela ne te soit impossible?…

Lichess Feedback - could not see last movement of my opponent#3

ok, thank you

Lichess Feedback - could not see last movement of my opponent#1

hi, just played a classical game and my firefox webbrowser OR Lichess did not show me the last movement of my opponent here the address: i lost, ran out of time, not v…

Lichess Feedback - complète players list#1

Hi, Please, is there a way to see a complete list online classical players. Found a short list but their rating are too high for me. I wish to be able to challenge online classical players around my r…

Lichess Feedback - About lichess Android app watching games#3

Agreed with u, I never cheched if the game continued past. I,ll see that and come back later to post the answer. Bye

Lichess Feedback - About lichess Android app watching games#1

Hi everybody, 2 questions please about lichess android app - Is there the feature to see games (classical, bullets, etc etc)? - often, when I watch a game with lichess TV, the game I,m watching change…

Game analysis - check lolbenny#1

Hi, a newbie 1960? really good moves. please check thks poimlknbv EDIT ok i'm about to use the contact page. did not see the link.

Lichess Feedback - chessboard layer changed after #5

ok, thks for infoamation, i'll know responsive design now.
