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64 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Russia vs Ukraine war: take a stand#56

@bfchessguy said in #50: > So now Aljazeera is a member of the western propaganda machine. Not sure money for your education was well spent. lol > > Here is what they published: > > " An American jour…

Off-Topic Discussion - Russia vs Ukraine war: take a stand#51

Another fake news. Today US ambassy in Kyiv reported: 'Today, Russian troops shot and killed 10 people standing in line for bread in Chernihiv. Disclose: there are no Russian troops in Chernihiv.

Off-Topic Discussion - Russia vs Ukraine war: take a stand#49

@bfchessguy @chesseater78 Good trolling guys. But keep it for yourself.

Off-Topic Discussion - Russia vs Ukraine war: take a stand#48

@CooloutAC said in #32: > Ukraine is not bombing their own hospitals and apartment buildings for the cameras or mortaring families and shooting journalists in the streets for sympathy. No, my friend. …

Off-Topic Discussion - Russia vs Ukraine war: take a stand#45

@Sleepy_Gary said in #41: > We're not talking about our governments right now, we're talking about what you and what I think is right. > > Apparently, you think its okay for your government to invade …

Off-Topic Discussion - Russia vs Ukraine war: take a stand#44

@Sleepy_Gary said in #42: > Also, you have no idea of global economics if you think the effects of these sanctions on both our countries will be anywhere close to the same. Your government is about to…

Off-Topic Discussion - Russia vs Ukraine war: take a stand#40

@Mopman said in #36: > Not just Western media that agree that Putin's invasion was a naked act of aggression . > > Putin's invasion was sanctioned by the UN in the General assembly with only 4 nations…

Off-Topic Discussion - Russia vs Ukraine war: take a stand#39

@Sleepy_Gary said in #33: > @qbot Any country that wants to join NATO can. If Cuba wanted to give itself to the Russian government, you know what the US should do? NOTHING. Cuba can do whatever the fu…

Off-Topic Discussion - Russia vs Ukraine war: take a stand#31

@Sleepy_Gary said in #24: > Ah yes @pkill western propaganda all confirmed by countless independent news agencies from dozens of countries. I guess I shouldn't believe my own eyes and ears when I see …

Off-Topic Discussion - Russia vs Ukraine war: take a stand#27

@Sleepy_Gary said in #20: > I do tell that stuff to my government. Luckily I'm not jailed and I have the freedom to criticize their horrors without my livelihood being put at risk. > > Haven't watched…
