
Search "user:CK_1886"

31 forum posts
Game analysis - CK's game analysis room!#20

No problem!

Game analysis - CK's game analysis room!#16

@TheIceManV that game is a bit too long and strange for me to analyze. :P

Game analysis - CK's game analysis room!#15

Thank you for the kind words, rajma420! Ok, starting off, I think the first inaccuracy was 2.d4. after 2...exd4 3.Qxd4, they developed with tempo on the queen. 9.Ng5 is a bit strange as it moves the k…

Game analysis - CK's game analysis room!#12

It's definitely interesting! I'll analyze it as soon as I can.

Game analysis - CK's game analysis room!#9

First of all, it’s good to see you’re trying games against higher rated opponents. It’s always a good learning opportunity to get crushed. :P Starting off, the first inaccuracy was 6.Qe2. Bb3 was bett…

Game analysis - CK's game analysis room!#7

If you have any other questions about the game, please ask!

Game analysis - CK's game analysis room!#6

Ok starting off; it was a good game from you with no big mistakes. I think 3.Nc3 is a bit unorthodox. In d4 openings you usually want to have the c pawn in front of your knight. Not that it’s a mistak…

Game analysis - CK's game analysis room!#5

Ok great! I will analyze it as soon as I can!

Game analysis - CK's game analysis room!#3

I think you're too close to my rating for me to be of any help. :P

Game analysis - CK's game analysis room!#1

Hey everyone. I've decided to analyze some games for free. Please send in your game if it meets these two requirements: #1 the game is a blitz or standard time control #2 your rating is under 1800 due…
