
Search "user:MarkJ32"

67 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How do I get anything going against the exchange slav?#5

I consistently lose against the slow slav and usually cannot find where I made a bad move. :)

Game analysis - How do I punish this kind of play.#3

In you second line, after 4. Bc4, there are very few poor moves. 4...Nf6, ...e6, ...g6, or at the 1600 level even try ...Bg4 or ...a6. Patience helps.

Lichess Feedback - Missing the FEN#2

re-post: For CC games, I use use the FEN string to paste into a PGN viewer so I can play through variations off-line, save them, go back to them, etc. with more flexibility than any site will probably…

General Chess Discussion - Playmate for Sicilian correspondence#4

I play White against the Sicilian often - I'm up for correspondence games

General Chess Discussion - How to play better in the opening?#15

Play e4/e5, d4/d5 - Don't play the Sicilian as Black, but learn enough about it so you can play against it as White. Basically, stick to a very few classical openings until you really, really understa…

General Chess Discussion - How did you improve beyond 1500?#20

Correspondence - it seems a little slow in the opening if you are both playing mainlines, but mid-game, if you are playing it properly, spend the 2 or 3 days thinking about each move. Play out a bunch…

General Chess Discussion - Etiquette around offering rematch#15

I've always thought rematch offer by the loser is okay. By the winner if you've had some chat - "interesting game, play again?"

General Chess Discussion - Lichess ratings#6

Ratings only have meaning within the pool of players. No good reason to compare apples to oranges.

General Chess Discussion - Castling King side vs queen side#5

Same-side is typical. I avoid castling whichever side if the opponent has a bunch of pieces pointed that way - invites sacs.

General Chess Discussion - Beating Very Good Players#9

On another site where I was rated much lower CC chess, I could win if I spent more time (like all three days for a 3 day a move game), where my higher-rated opponent was spending minutes a move.
