
Search "user:dek"

47 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Tactics Training - 11104#3

Hmm I don't see any other immediate checkmate

Lichess Feedback - BUG : The advanced search in profile.#2

Hmm the function has been disabled temporarily ?

Lichess Feedback - Can I help Lichess for the code ?#2

You can install with conemu, if you are familiar with linux you won't have any problems.

Lichess Feedback - BUG : The advanced search in profile.#1

It doesn't seem to work at all for me. Am I using it correctly, any special trick ?

Lichess Feedback - See clock time during analysis.#1

Is it possible to have the current clock time displayed while analysing the game ? We can see move time or play in realtime but we can't see time spent on the move, and the clock time ? Thanks !

Lichess Feedback - Internet Chess Client for #15

I d go for the opposite personnaly, be able to play on lichess against people from icc or fics from lichess. I think that would be great and provide more games / peoples. Don't know if it would be aga…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 5041#8

whynotbemad : ah you are right ! missed that :)

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 5041#6

Because after ... Qf7 Kg5 Qh5+ Kf4 Kf2 white can play f5 and now you don't mate ? because the queen is protecting h5.

Lichess Feedback - Automatically mail games#1

Hi, Would it be possible to send automatically my games to the email configured or to allow me to mass download my games. Right now it requires a lot of interaction to download a game ( History => Ana…

Lichess Feedback - Team Lobby#3

Ah thanks, this seems to go in the right direction you are right !
