
Search "user:Dukedog"

7384 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Is chess captcha amazing#8

You could always go to puzzles and select the mate in one theme,unrated.

Off-Topic Discussion - Topics for speech on chess#8

@Ridpar10 Given they have 0 knowledge perhaps you might talk about the positive benefits of learning chess particularly for young people. Btw I just googled benefits of learning chess and there is qui…

Off-Topic Discussion - Is chess captcha amazing#5

@Ridpar10 I used to play on and they use image captchas, click on all buses, bicycles,airplanes whatever in their log in process. I've also seen captchas involving recognizing words in a mix…

Off-Topic Discussion - Is chess captcha amazing#2

I guess it's just to separate real people from dumb computers. If anyone knows,are captchas really difficult for a computer to solve? I wouldn't think so.

Off-Topic Discussion - Topics for speech on chess#2

Development. The opening, middle and end game and the characteristics of each. Or you could discuss variants. Or famous chess players. Really you have to tailor your speech to your audience. Good luck…

Off-Topic Discussion - Goofy moments in your life(try to make everyone laugh)#3

So I've got a couple of friends over (this was in my twenties) and we're drinking pretty hard like young guys do sometimes. A couple of cases of beer and a fifth of cheap bourbon. The party breaks up …

Off-Topic Discussion - How do you feel about "Mahatma" Ghandi?#16

@Noflaps Gandhis arrest on March 10 1922 was for sedition against the British colonial government and he was sentenced to 6 years.

Off-Topic Discussion - How do you feel about "Mahatma" Ghandi?#6

And more importantly a man of conviction.

Off-Topic Discussion - How do you feel about "Mahatma" Ghandi?#2

I have always consided him a hero. Amazing isn't how frequently heros wind up behind bars. The arrest and imprisonment probably garnered more support for him rather than less. My opinion has not chang…

Off-Topic Discussion - What do you think about the credibility of media reporting?#5

I do watch Reuters sometimes. I stream it on my smart TV. Also Haystack news if you know them. Sometimes I watch Euro News . I like to get different perspectives rather than just the pablum they feed …
