
Search "user:JCM_KenyanWolf"

13 forum posts
Indian chess fauj - ipl 2024#3

This year's IPL tournament is a CLASH OF CLANS! 1. KKR and CSK are my favourite teams. 2. I think KKR or RR will win this year!

General Chess Discussion - My elo is blocked#4

@VEDiculous1 said in #3: > @Boruto35 same here. When I win rapid games my rating is not increasing but when I lose it’s decreasing It might be that you are playing against very low rated opponents com…

Off-Topic Discussion - Help on my school project#21

@Akbar2thegreat said in #19: > Any link of Google Form is not harmful until one enters data. > That is, opening any Google Form link is not an issue. > Don't you know about them? Aren't you familiar w…

Off-Topic Discussion - Help on my school project#20

@obladie said in #17: > "So many people"?? Three???? Three people from totally different parts of the world. Consider that.

Off-Topic Discussion - Help on my school project#16

@obladie said in #12: > That is not a guarantee. Maybe try to run it via a third party that can be accepted as Lichess. > Don't take this as trolling you, but would you open just any random …

Off-Topic Discussion - Help on my school project#13

Hi @Akbar2thegreat I strongly appreciate your efforts. However there is one option that I have a question about. If you message me personally, I will tell you my doubts. So will you, bro?

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Lichess Feedback - There should be team polls...#7

@PLSDONTCLOSEMYACC said in #6: > Just team message them about that But that's wasting a team message every time you put something in the team forum!

Lichess Feedback - There should be team polls...#3

@InvincibleAbhay said in #1: > I suggest lichess to create a function of team poles, which the leader can create to get the opinion of his team members. Like the community poles on YouTube. I always h…

Lichess Feedback - Opponent team accusing of Cheating#1 They have accused us of cheating. We won. And now they are saying we cheated! This is so unfair for our team and our main leader. We do not even know what is th…
