
Search "user:Snowvaz"

4 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Recommended courses for 2400 aprox.#4

@ThunderClap Thanks a lot! I am going to check them :)

General Chess Discussion - opening trainer?#11

You can check hanging pawns videos on youtube, I thinl it is a good free resource. Once you choose an opening, check a MI or GM course for improve it. Hanging paws is a very good teacher but he is not…

General Chess Discussion - Recommended courses for 2400 aprox.#1

Can you recommend me curses? I am good at tactics and I have more or less solid strategic concepts. I have started these months to learn openings and I would also like to find some middlegame or endga…

General Chess Discussion - I play the italian too much and am looking fro a new opening for white#23

Colle system is very easy to learn and you improve your strategy not only your tactics with the italian. I improve my chess a lot changing e4 for english, colle and king's indian attack. If you prefer…
